Abstract submission

Deadline for abstract submission: 30 June, 2024

Guidelines for abstract preparation and submission
(Conference Proceedings Guide)

Please prepare your conference abstract according to the guidelines outlined below. The abstracts will be published electronically in the 13th volume of the journal “Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series”. Only abstracts prepared according to the specified template will be accepted.

Size and Length

The document must be A4 size (210 x 297 mm). An abstract should not exceed 2 pages in length, including the images/tables (for plenary speakers, a maximum of 4 pages is allowed). The minimum required length is 2000 characters, excluding the title, authors, and their affiliations.

Language and Structure

The manuscript must be written in English. The structure should include: title, authors' names, authors' affiliations, text, references, captions for figures and tables, and finally, figures(s)/table(s) on a separate page.


List all authors' names in the following format: John Smith → Smith, J. Include their affiliation (this can be omitted for retired authors), the address of their workplace (or residence), and the contact author's email address. The presenting author’s name should be underlined.


Submit the text in MS Word format (doc or docx). Use Times New Roman font. References to figures and tables within the text should be made (e.g., Table 2; Figure 1). Bibliography references should follow the author(s)' surname(s) and year of publication format. For works by a single author, e.g., Koch (1966) or (Koch, 1966); for works by two authors, e.g., Schafarzik & Vendl (1929) or (Schafarzik & Vendl, 1929); for works by multiple authors, e.g., Tokody et al. (1958) or (Tokody et al., 1958).


If the text includes references to the bibliography, a references section must also be compiled at the end of the abstract. Unpublished manuscripts should be not cited. Cite the literature as follows:

For journal articles: AUTHOR(S) (year): Journal name, volume (issue, if relevant) number, page range. Example: BOTKA, D., MÉSZÁROS, L. (2015): Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society, 145(1), 73–84.

For books: AUTHOR(S) (year): Title. Place of publication: publisher. Example: SZAKÁLL, S., FEHÉR, B., TÓTH, L. (2016): Minerals of Hungary. Szeged: GeoLitera.

For book chapters: AUTHOR(S) (year): In: EDITOR(S): Book title. Place of publication: publisher, page range. Example: VIGH, T. (2013): In: PÁL-MOLNÁR, E., BIRÓ, L. (eds.): Solid raw materials in Hungary. Szeged: GeoLitera, pp. 45–64.
Electronic sources should include the URL and the date of the last access.


Abstracts may include both color and black-and-white figures/tables. The width should be either one column (8 cm) or two columns (17 cm). Insert figures/tables at the end of the abstract on a new page and number them sequentially. Ensure figures have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The placement of figures/tables within the text will be determined during editing, subject to the author's review before finalization.

Figure/Table captions

Provide captions for figures and tables at the end of the manuscript, following the references section.

Please prepare your abstract using the downloadable template. Acceptable file formats are doc and docx.

Abstract template >>

Proceed to abstract submission here:

for new users

During the abstract submission process, authors should indicate their preferred presentation format (oral or poster). The final decision will be made by the conference organizers.

Authors should also select one of the topics below as the primary subject of their abstract.

  • Mineralogy
  • Crystallography
  • Petrology
  • Geochemistry
  • Mineral deposits for the society
  • Applied mineralogy
  • Archaeometry
  • History of science

The authors will be notified about the acceptance of their abstract at least one week before the early registration deadline. Note that abstracts will be withdrawn if the presenting author fails to register for the meeting.